2018年 12月 15日
グループ展 「フレキシブル・アート展」/ Flexible Art Exhibition at GALLERIE ANDO in Tokyo |
渋谷のGALLERIE ANDOさんで、2018年12月11日(火)〜12月22日(土)開催のグループ展 Flexible Art Exhibition に、David John Talorの新作を出展しています。是非お越しください。
Dave’s latest works are exhibited now at GALLERIE ANDO from 11th to 22nd of December 2018 in Shibuya, Tokyo. Please visit if you have a moment.
This time, he is a part of the group show “Flexible Art Exhibition”, with the aim to create works which can change and are portable enough to look at at any time under any circumstances. He has also made cylindrical containers for keeping these latest canvases rolled up.
by davidjohntalor
| 2018-12-15 17:10
| 私の個展 My Exhibition